The Festival of Chichester – no, not the same as the Chichester Festival Theatre – is one of the city’s cultural treasures. Taking place for around five weeks every summer, up to 100 independently organised events come together under its umbrella. Run as a charity by a small, dedicated group of volunteer trustees, the Festival offers a smorgasbord of diverse events from music, talks and theatre to art-exhibits, walking tours and workshops.
We would like to invite local businesses to participate in the Festival in one (or several) of the following ways:
Advertising in the professionally produced brochure is a cost effective way of reaching the local community. Approximately 15,000 full colour copies are printed and distributed between April and July. Being a programme for booking and following a diary of events, the brochures have a long shelf life. That means they tend to receive more detailed and repeated perusal than newsletters or magazines. The window for booking adverts is open until mid-February. Click here to download the official Media Pack.
Running your own event. For performers and event organisers, now is the time to submit your show, workshop, talk etc for consideration as part of the festival programme. You might already have a suitable event planned – whether a ‘meet the artist’ showcase in a gallery, or a live music performance in a restaurant/pub. Or, with a little thought, you could run a talk/workshop to showcase the skills that already makes your business special. Aside from the costs of running the event, putting it into our programme costs just £24 which gives you a 1/6 page entry in the brochure, a listing on our diary and website plus the possibility of press interest, as well as benefitting from our social media activity. Have a look at our Take Part pages for more information about how you can participate.
Lastly, but very importantly, we would obviously be delighted if you were also able to support us by attending an event or two in the summer and following us on social media
For more information please contact:
Festival Coordinator – Mark Elliott
[email protected]
Web and general support – Simon O’Hea
[email protected]
For sponsors and advertisers – Vicki Meddows-Smith
[email protected]
Thank you to the team at CCCI for supporting the Festival with this communication