
Exciting new events from CDC

Laser light shows in Chichester 

The amazing laser light shows will return, for the third year running, to Chichester Canal Basin on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 February.

On both nights shows will take place at 6pm and 7.30pm – the first will be a modern Disney show with music and projections while the second show will be based around movie blockbusters.

Before the shows there will be the opportunity to enjoy food and drink from local vendors. These will be situated along Canal Wharf along with a children’s carousel ride. There will also be an illuminated hoops performance and a roaming LED character to keep people entertained in the build up to the shows.

All the shows are being funded using grants from the UK Government secured by Chichester District Council.  Rotary are providing support with Marshals and circulating with buckets to collect funds for the Chichester Canal Trust.

Tasty fun pancake races in Chichester

A tasty way to raise funds, indeed.  On Shrove Tuesday, 4 March at 12.00 noon, Rotary will be running Pancake Races in aid of local children’s charities in Chichester City Centre.  

Pancake Day or Mardi Gras (from the French Fat Tuesday) is the last day before Lent. Shrove Tuesday and has long been a time of festival and celebration throughout the world.

Pancakes are an integral part of Shrove Tuesday, and a tradition has developed in many countries of races involving contestants run or walking along a course, maybe with fun obstacles to deal with, carrying a frying pan containing a pancake, which must be tossed an agreed number of times during the race. We will also have pancake tossing challenges and some other ideas.  

This will be a great fun and entertaining event for participants and observers and is always a popular event on any fundraising calendar. Participants can wear fancy dress, aprons, corporate clothing, anything to promote their cause and join in the mix.

So, we need some teams from schools and local businesses, cafes and shops, some sponsors to provide pancakes and frying pans, helpers for the course marking and checking rules are being followed, sponsors for pancakes for people to take away and heat up at home, help with selling pancakes and entry fees. 

Please contact Rotarian Doug Price 07980 239 227 with offers of help, suggestions and sponsorship offers.  

Full details and registration forms will be available shortly.

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